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  • ₹154.00 - ₹170.00



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₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 3...

Medicine for low blood, blood Deficiency, and Anemia in your body. Medicine has a favorable influence upon the blood hence it's in anemia and convalescence neurasthenia and insomnia, Best adapted to young weakly persons anemic and chlorotic, who flush easily.

आपके शरीर में कम रक्त, रक्त की कमी और एनीमिया के लिए यह दवा कारगर साबित हो सकता है। दवा का रक्त पर एक अनुकूल प्रभाव होता है इसलिए यह एनीमिया और आंत्रशोथ न्यूरैस्टेनिया और अनिद्रा में है, सबसे अच्छा युवा कमजोर व्यक्तियों एनेमिक और क्लोरोटिक के अनुकूल है, जो आसानी से बहते हैं। औषधि रक्ताल्पता और रोगोत्तर दुर्बलता दूर करने तथा स्नायु दौर्बल्य और अनिद्रा में इसका व्यवहार किया जाता है। यह लाल रक्त कण रंजक द्रव्य को बनाती है। उन दुर्बल शरीर वालों के लिए विशेष उपयोगी है जो अरक्तक और हरित्पाण्ड रोगों से पीड़ित रहते हैं।

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 47...

Affects markedly the musceular tissues periosteum, and synovial membrances of joints. Has specific power of relieving the gouty paroxysms. 

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 5...

The medicine takes away craving for alcoholics. Antidotes effects of Alcohol. Vertigo, deafness. Addiction or alcoholism, disease of addiction of alcohol

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 58...

Insomnia of infants and the aged, Sleep Disorder and the mentally worried, and overworked with a tendency to compulsions, restless and wakeful.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 6...

The medicine acts on the vermiform appendix, this has been used for appendicitis. A deathly sensation at the point of the stomach , pain in ileo-caecal region.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 63...

Azoospermia, Oligospermia, Male Sterility, Psychical impotence, Loss of desire, Speedy emissions. No Erectile Power, Impotence, Premature Emission

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 68...


Homeopathic medicine for Malaria, feel very sick, with a high fever and shaking chills, Shivering with shuddering, or feverish trembling, commonly without thirst- cold in the body, Headache, pulse full and quick, Shivering ever in a warm room, irregular fever, after quinine.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 7...

Effective Medicine for gastric and acidity symptoms and are the guiding symptoms. Dull, heavy, aching, nausea, heavy sour eructations, profuse vomiting of intensely sour fluid.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 70...

Numerous small nodules (a small swelling or aggregation of cells in the body) under the skin, Cauliflower excrescences of os uteri, with flying pains, Patient tends towards malignancy and inveterate skin disease. Gouty nodosities.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 77...

Testicles indurated with bruised feeling. Swelling of the scrotum (orchitis) right half only. Troubles from suppressed gonorrhea.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 82...

Acute autoinfection, Symptoms of blood poisoning, the septic condition generally puerperal infection. Tired feeling. Abdomen Sensitive and tympanitic offensive.