Cineraria Maritima
Cineraria Maritima - Conjunctivitis and other inflammatory conditions of eye. Spring catarrh. Irritation due to foreign bodies
Cineraria Maritima - Conjunctivitis and other inflammatory conditions of eye. Spring catarrh. Irritation due to foreign bodies
Diabetes mellitus – Type – I and Type – II. By stimulating β cells of Pancreas to secrete insulin for sugar Metabolism
Tendency towards excess weight, disproportionate protrusions of the figure, especially around hips, waist, post pregnancy weight gain
For Weak memory, Feebleness of Brain, Power, Mental incapacity, insanity, Anxiety, tired brain, irritability, Unable to concentrate the mind
Pilelex gives relief in painful & bleeding Piles. It is very much effective in swollen Piles, constipation, with heavy pressure in the lower part of the abdomen