REPL Dr.Advice™NO.44...
The small tumor on os uteri like cauliflower. Polpi, soft tumor. Swelling of glands Tonsils, Polypi, and exostosis. Spongy tumor.
The small tumor on os uteri like cauliflower. Polpi, soft tumor. Swelling of glands Tonsils, Polypi, and exostosis. Spongy tumor.
Eyes strain from whatever cause, Irritability of the ciliary muscle, Eyes easily tire from slightest use, Vision becomes indistinct every few moments
This remedy brings aid to scrofulous children especially if they are backward mentally and physically, do not grow and develop.
Homeopathic medicine for All In One Hair Related Problems. Great falling out of hair. Premature baldness and gray hair. Hair gray early in life falls out, Hair thins out, turns gray early.
blood pressure. Violent pain in the head, worse at night, toward pressure, Tearing through the brain to forehead.
Strangulated hernia (a hernia that is cutting off the blood supply to the intestines and tissues in the abdomen), weakness of abdominal ring region. Umbilical hernia of infants, constrictive pain in testicles. Abdominal muscles weak it seems as if a hernia would take place.
Such persons one fat, not much reactive force, indolent, opposed to physical exertion, averse to go outsides of their routine, get homesick easily..
Homeopathic Medicine for Unwanted Hair Growth on a Woman's Face, Chest and Back, Hirsutism One curious symptom is abnormal growth of hairs on the face of women. Acts as an emmenagogue in young women.
The vesicular eruption, with a tendency to form large blisters. Acrid exudation with makes surrounding parts sore. Herpetic eruption.
The action of this drug is centered in the liver, and portal system, causing soreness, pain, jaundice and hepatic disease. Covering many of the direct reflex symptoms of disease.
Testicles swelled, painful, drawn up, gland feel crushed, Induration and swelling of testes, Mydrocels. Hydroceles Swelling.
The medicine especially adapted to the nervous temperament. Mentally, the emotional element is uppermost, and coordination