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- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
- EXPIRY: *Only Manufacturing Date(Mfg.) is mentioned on the package. Expiry is five years from the date of Manufacturing.
REPL Dr. Advice No. 128...
Effective in masturbation, excessively aroused sexual impales & impotency in a young boy. Desire increased but not ability, on adaption condition, penis relaxes, Erotomania.
होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन ऑनलाइन,ऑनलाइन होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन
संकेत: एक युवा लड़के में हस्तमैथुन और अत्यधिक यौन उत्तेजना और नपुंसकता में प्रभावी। इच्छा में वृद्धि हुई है, लेकिन क्षमता नहीं, लिंग शिथिल हो जाता है, इरोटोमैनिया। युवावस्था में, सहवास शक्ति की कमी, हस्तमैथुन संबंधी नपुंसकता, चरम यौन आवेग संबंधी नपुंसकता, हस्तमैथुन करने के लिए एकांत स्थान की खोज जारी रखना और शक्ति की अत्यधिक कमी, वीर्य का पतला होना, ये सभी विचार जिसके कारण एक युवा अपने आप को नियंत्रित करने के लिए असहाय हो जाता है सभी प्रयासों के बावजूद, ऐसी स्थिति में यह दवा रोगी को मानसिक और शारीरिक रूप से ठीक करने में बहुत प्रभावी साबित होती है।
REPL Dr. Advice No. 134...
Sexual debility from nervous prostration, impotency, incontinence of old people, increase desire but decreased ability. Loss of sexual power at any age.
Doses: 1. Adult: 10-15 drops with ¼ cup water 3 times daily for 3 months or as prescribed by the physician.
नर्वस प्रोस्टेट से यौन दुर्बलता, नपुंसकता, पुराने लोगों की असंयमता, इच्छा में वृद्धि लेकिन क्षमता में कमी। किसी भी उम्र में यौन शक्ति का नुकसान।
खुराक: 1. वयस्क: 10-15 बूँदें: आधा कप पानी के साथ 3 महीने तक रोजाना या चिकित्सक द्वारा निर्धारित अनुसार।
होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन ऑनलाइन| ऑनलाइन होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन
REPL Dr. Advice No. 277...
REPL Dr. Advice® No. 277 PREVENTIVE-10 is prescribed in the symptoms associated with Joint pain and inflammation, stiff soreness on inside of knee, rheumatic pain in ankles, wrist & fingers, arms, pain in acute gout deltoid. The key ingredients present in this preparation influence the metabolism of cartilage in particular and alleviate gouty inflammation of the joint by inhibiting the key enzyme that is involved in excessive uric acid production and Improves blood circulation in joints.
REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 10...
Indication: Great falling out of hair. Premature Baldness. Hair falls out. Scalp feels tense, gray hair, and Alopecia.
Usage Direction: Add 5 to 10 drops of medicine with little water and have it 3 times a day. For older disease, have it 4 times a day for a very long period. After the patient gets cured also, have it once a day or as instructed by Homeopathic Doctor.
REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 11...
Blotches and primples on face yellowish skin waxy. Yellowish white flashes of heat to cheeks. Acne on face in young age.
REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 111...
Homeopathic medicine for Snoring, noisy breathing during sleep, poor night's sleep, sleepiness during the day, at work, or while driving and fatigue Breathing through the mouth instead of the nose.
REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 112...
Homeopathic Calcium Supplement for women, Weak bones, Joint Pain in old age.
After a stop of the menstruation cycle, all these disease starts, this is due to deficiency of calcium. This medicine helps in all these symptoms and women can get cured.
Usage Direction: Add 10 to 15 of medicine in 1/4th cup of water and have it 3 times a day till the disease completely recover and as a preventive patient may have the same amount of medicine daily for a long period or as instructed by Homeopathy Doctor.
REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 113...
Homeopathic Calcium supplement for Men, Weak Bones, Old age symptoms for strong Bones.
Usage Direction: And 5 to 10 drops of medicine in 1/4th cup of water and have it 3 times a day for 1year and the medicine once a day for the next 6 months or as instructed by Homeopathic Doctor.
उपयोग के निर्देश: 1/4th कप पानी में 10 से 15 बूंद दवा डालें, और इसे दिन में 3 बार लें और एक निवारक रोगी के रूप में लंबी अवधि के लिए या होम्योपैथी के निर्देश के अनुसार दिन में एक बार राशि का अनुपात होना चाहिए। चिकित्सक।
REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 114...
Homeopathic Calcium Supplement for Childrens, Helps in healthy growth, Strong Bones
Usages Direction: Add 10 to 15 drops of medicine in 1/4th cup of water, and have it 3 times a day and also as a preventive patient should have the same proportion of amount once a day for a long period or as instructed by Homeopathy Doctor.
उपयोग की दिशा: 1/4th कप पानी में 10 से 15 बूंद दवा डालें, और इसे दिन में 3 बार लें और एक निवारक रोगी के रूप में लंबी अवधि के लिए या होम्योपैथी के निर्देश के अनुसार दिन में एक बार राशि का अनुपात होना चाहिए। चिकित्सक।
REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 117...
Best medicine for Arthritis, Joint inflammation ( both acute & chronic) osteoarthritis, Septic arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis. 100% Original homeopathic medicine by REPL
Keyword:- buy online ayurvedic & homeopathic medicine online, buy homeopathic medicine online in India, repl dr advice,best 100% Original Ayurvedic Rheumatoid arthritis, best ayurvedic Medicine Rheumatoid arthritis, best homeopathic medicine For Arthritis,Rheumatoid arthritis, REPL Pharma, Buy ayurvedic medicine online in India, online ayurvedic medicine in India, online homeopathic medicine in India.100% Original Ayurvedic & Homeopathic. होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन ऑनलाइन| ऑनलाइन होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन|