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₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Adv. No. 181...

Hives or Urticaria are a red, raised, itchy skin rash that is triggered by an allergen. Urticaria occurs when the body reacts to an allergen and releases histamine and other chemicals from under the surface of the skin. The histamine and chemicals cause inflammation and fluid to accumulate under the skin, causing wheals. It is also known as welts or nettle rash. 

DOSE : 5 to 10 Drops with 1/4 cup of  water to be taken orally 3 to 4 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Adv. No. 178...

Made up of layers of a protein called keratin, your nails serve as protection for your fingers and toes. Keratin, which also makes up the cells in your hair and skin, works to protect nails from damage. But it’s not uncommon for nails to split, peel, or break. In fact, according to Harvard Medical School, 27 percent of women have brittle nails, also known as Onychoschizia. 

DOSE : 5 to 10 Drops with 1/4 cup of water to be taken orally 3 to 4 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Adv. No. 173...

Condyloma Acuminatum refers to anogenital warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). The most common strains of HPV that cause anogenital warts are type 6 & 11. HPV is a double stranded DNA viral genome primarily spread through sexual contact.

DOSE : 5 to 10 Drops with 1/4 cup of water to be taken orally 3 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Adv. No. 172...

Condyloma Acuminatum refers to anogenital warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). The most common strains of HPV that cause anogenital warts are type 6 & 11. HPV is a double stranded DNA viral genome primarily spread through sexual contact.

DOSE : 5 to 10 Drops with 1/4 cup of water to be taken orally 3 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Adv. No. 164 Amenorin

Amenorrhea is not a disease and it does not mean that a person is infertile but it can be a sign of health problem that needs some attention. Around puberty, during pregnancy menstruation also stops and it is common for it to stop. If menstruation does not occur at times when people normally expect it to, this is an headache. vision changes, additional facial hair, are the main symptoms is a lack of menstruation. REPL Dr. Advice No. 164 AMENORIN is prescribed in the symptoms associated with amenorrhea such as excess facial hair, pelvic pain, and acne. Helpful in the condition of cramping in the lower abdomen, pain in the lower abdomen and/or lower back, pain radiating down the legs.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Adv. No. 162...

Liver related problems are common in infants and children, some of the common reasons can be excess or low production of bile or Fatty Liver, all of these can lead to problems such as Itchy skin, Loss of appetite, Poor digestion, Vomiting, Constipation or Pale stool, Fatigue, and tendency to Bruise easily. Use of INFANTILE LIVOMIN, helps in regulating the liver to function properly.

DOSE : 2 to 5 Drops with 1/2 spoon of water to be taken orally 3 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Adv. No. 148...

A tremor is an unintentional and uncontrollable rhythmic movement of one part or one limbs of your body. A tremor can occur in any part of the body and at any time. Its usually an alert of a problem from the part of your brain that controls muscular movement. Tremor are divided into two types Resting and Action.

DOSE : 5 to10 Drops with 1/4 cup of water to be taken orally 3 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Adv. No. 144...

Traumatism is an incident that causes physical, emotional, spiritual or psychological harm. Any type of injury can be caused by accidents or acts of violence and may occur at home, work or play, impact from blunt objects or from objects that penetrate the body. Common types of injury include abrasions, lacerations, hematomas, broken bones, joint dislocations, sprains, strains and any types also. REPL Dr. Advice No. 144 TRAUMATISM is prescribed in the symptoms associated several types of traumatic injury.

DOSE : 5 to10 Drops with 1/4 cup of water to be taken orally 4 to 5 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Adv. No. 143 Gums-S

Gum disease is a fairly common oral health issue, often overlooked. Two major problems are Gingivitis and Periodontitis. In gingivitis, bacteria builds up in the plaque causing inflammation of gum which can cause irritation and bleeding. It normally precedes periodontitis, which is more advance form of gingivitis and causes inner layer of gum to pull away from teeth, forming pockets which can get infected easily. Some other symptoms are- constant bad breath, swollen gums with pus in between. Maintaining good oral hygiene along with use of REPL Dr. Advice No. 143 GUMS-S helps in keeping your gums healthy.

DOSE : 5 to 10 Drops with 1/4 cup of water to be taken orally 3 to 4 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Adv. No. 140...

Neuralgia is a stabbing and often severe pain due to an irritated or damaged nerve. The nerve may be anywhere in the body and the damage may be caused by several things including aging, an infection such as shingles, diabetes or multiple sclerosis.

DOSE : 5 to 10 Drops with 1/4 cup of water to be taken orally 3 to 4 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Adv. No. 136...

Inflammation and ulceration of the edges of eye lids, abnormally abundant flow of corrosive tears, that prevent seeing, especially when exposed to the wind.

DOSE : 5 to 10 Drops with 1/4 cup of water to be taken orally 3 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Adv. No. 131...

Dandruff is a condition of the scalp that causes flakes of skin to appear. It is often accompanied by itching. The exact causes is unknown but various factors increase the risk. It is not related to poor hygiene, but it may be more visible if a person does not wash or brush hair often.

DOSE : 5 to 10 Drops with 1/4 cup of  water to be taken orally 3 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.