REPL Dr.Advice™NO.79...
Acts as a powerful irritant so used successfully in skin diseases especially in psoriasis. Violent itching, thighs, legs and back of ears, Dry, scaly eruption, Lemon- Coloured Crust.
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REPL Dr. Advice No. 234 SCORBUTUS-IN is prescribed in the symptoms associated with presence of inflammation in the body i.e. high ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). When experiencing inflammation patient's Red Blood Cell (RBC) cling together, forming clumps. This clumping affects the rate at which RBCs sink inside a tube where a blood sample is placed. There are multiple causes of a high ESR Test result, due to infections, autoimmune disorders, and chronic inflammatory diseases, advanced age, pregnancy, anaemia, kidney disorder, obesity, throat & chest disease. This medicine promotes immunity and has great Anti-scorbutic properties.
DOSE : 5 to 10 Drops with 1/4 cup of water to be taken orally 3 to 4 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.
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Acts as a powerful irritant so used successfully in skin diseases especially in psoriasis. Violent itching, thighs, legs and back of ears, Dry, scaly eruption, Lemon- Coloured Crust.
REPL Dr. Advice No.189 BILIOUSN-ES is prescribed in the symptoms associated with Gall Bladder stone. Sharp shooting pain extending to the abdomen with tenderness, nausea, vomiting, bitter taste and hepatitis (inflammation of liver), pain in stomach before breakfast and from drinking water, great burning distress in epigastrium, mouth and stomach feel on fire, Sharp gripping pain in bowels, pain from gall bladder to chest.
DOSE : 5 to 10 Drops with 1/4 cup of water to be taken orally after every meal, 3 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.
Homeopathic medicine for Malaria, feel very sick, with a high fever and shaking chills, Shivering with shuddering, or feverish trembling, commonly without thirst- cold in the body, Headache, pulse full and quick, Shivering ever in a warm room, irregular fever, after quinine.
Best homeopathic medicine for Heart Palpitation, Irregular, hard or rapid heartbeat, anxiety, stress, chest pain or fainting, shortness of breath, sweating, and nausea.
हार्ट पैल्पिटेशन, अनियमित, कठोर या तेज़ दिल की धड़कन, चिंता, तनाव, सीने में दर्द या बेहोशी, सांस की तकलीफ, पसीना और मतली के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ होम्योपैथिक दवा।
buy homeopathic medicine online in India, repl dr advice, Best Homeopathic For Heart Palpitation, Irregular, hard or rapid heartbeat, anxiety, stress, chest pain or fainting, shortness of breath, sweating, and nausea, Best Homeopathic Medicine for chest pain, best ayurvedic medicine for chest pain, Buy ayurvedic medicine online in India, online ayurvedic medicine in India, online homeopathic medicine in India. होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन ऑनलाइन| ऑनलाइन होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन|
Its action on the female organism has been clinically verified Homeopathic Medicine For menstrual problems. Menses retarded, suppressed, Functional amenorrhoea of young girls with backache, Before menses, inflammatory conditions of After menstruates.
A heart pain reflex to arm and finger may convert to alchemic heart problem, Poor blood supply to heart muscles, narrow of vessels lumen.
Has a particular tendency to develop the skin phase of internal disorders, skin rough persistent dryness of portions of skin unaffected by eczema (a condition that makes your skin red and itchy).
Heat and burning Red spot in measles - Frequent redness Eruptions of measles, heat and burning Red, Hot and shining swelling of the diseased parts. Burning, Measles. Hay Fever.
The medicine acts upon the coats of the veins causing relaxation with consequent engorgement. A tired feeling in arms and legs. Very sore muscles and joints, Varicose veins down legs, vein dilated, reversible blood flow at lower limbs, rectal varices.
Otalgia (Ear pain) is a common presentation. In the primary case setting with many diverse causes, pain that originates from the ear is called primary otalgia and the most common causes are otitis media and otitis externa.
DOSE : 5 to 10 Drops with 1/4 cup of water to be taken orally 3 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.
Prolapse is a bulging or falling out of a body part, such as the rectum or vagina, that commonly occurs because of weakened supportive tissue. Some of the symptoms are- Constipation, Obstructed bowel movement, Fecal incontinence. The use of REPL Dr. Advice No. 231 PROLAPSUS-AN is called upon in the early stages of the weakening of tissue walls of rectum. It helps in strengthening the supportive tissues.
DOSE : 5 to 10 Drops with 1/4 cup of water to be taken orally 3 to 4 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.
Effective in masturbation, excessively aroused sexual impales & impotency in a young boy. Desire increased but not ability, on adaption condition, penis relaxes, Erotomania.
होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन ऑनलाइन,ऑनलाइन होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन
संकेत: एक युवा लड़के में हस्तमैथुन और अत्यधिक यौन उत्तेजना और नपुंसकता में प्रभावी। इच्छा में वृद्धि हुई है, लेकिन क्षमता नहीं, लिंग शिथिल हो जाता है, इरोटोमैनिया। युवावस्था में, सहवास शक्ति की कमी, हस्तमैथुन संबंधी नपुंसकता, चरम यौन आवेग संबंधी नपुंसकता, हस्तमैथुन करने के लिए एकांत स्थान की खोज जारी रखना और शक्ति की अत्यधिक कमी, वीर्य का पतला होना, ये सभी विचार जिसके कारण एक युवा अपने आप को नियंत्रित करने के लिए असहाय हो जाता है सभी प्रयासों के बावजूद, ऐसी स्थिति में यह दवा रोगी को मानसिक और शारीरिक रूप से ठीक करने में बहुत प्रभावी साबित होती है।
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संकेत: लिंग के स्वास्थ्य में सुधार के लिए मालिश तेल, स्तंभन दोष, हस्तमैथुन की आदत, पुरुष नपुंसकता, REPL African Oil एक ऐसा मालिश तेल है जो पुरुषों के कमजोर लिंग जैसे अंग के लिए फायदेमंद है और तंत्रिकाओं को सक्रिय करता है। नियमित रूप से मलत्याग करने के कारण, जिसमें सामान्य नसें पूरी तरह से नष्ट हो जाती हैं और नीले रंग की नसें बाहर आ जाती हैं, सभी स्थिति में सुबह-शाम मालिश करने से व्यक्ति को इसका लाभ मिल सकता है।
यह मालिश तेल आरईपीएल, डॉ। एडवाइस श्रृंखला में सबसे अच्छा आविष्कार है, जो युवा उम्र के लिंग संबंधी समस्याओं के इलाज में बहुत सहायक है।
Causes degeneration of the spinal cord Brain fag. The medicine acts upon the generative organs probably through the lumber centers of the spinal cord, Heavy tired feeling, Lack of will power.
Removes temporary obstructing to the oxidation of the blood by stimulating respiratory centres
The medicine takes away craving for alcoholics. Antidotes effects of Alcohol. Vertigo, deafness. Addiction or alcoholism, disease of addiction of alcohol