List of products by brand REPL Manufacturer


REPL is one of the topmost manufacturers and exporter of high-quality herbal medicines. It deals in Homeopathic products, Ayurvedic medicines, Ayurvedic Health Supplements and Herbal Medicine Online in India.

Established in 1994, Renovision Exports Pvt. Ltd (REPL) has been founded and promoted by Mr. Ashfaque Rahman with a clear mission of “Empowering the Life and well being” and has rapidly emerged as the leading integrated Healthcare Company in India.

REPL now ranks among the top 5 Homoeopathic & Herbal companies in INDIA. We are one of the prominent Manufacturers, Exporters & Suppliers of International standard of Ayurvedic, Homeopathic proprietary medicines and herbal products for general healthcare and we manufacture more than 250 products across 20+ categories. In a short span of time REPL has become one of the most reputed and respected company in India and overseas in more than 23+ countries.

We are GMP, ISO 9001:2008 and FSSAI certified company. It is our severe quality standards that have led our products to be accepted by millions of consumer for their health & individual care needs.

REPL draws its strength from its team of qualified professionals & experienced Ayurvedic, Herbalist, Scientist, and product experts that help in manufacturing the right product. We are proud of having more than 250 happy employees and their hard work due to which we are today.

There are 164 products.

Showing 25-36 of 164 item(s)
₹1,168.00 Price

Premature Ejaculation...

Premature ejaculation is uncontrolled ejaculation either before or shortly after sexual penetration. It happens with minimal sexual stimulation and before the person wishes. It may result in unsatisfactory sex for both partners.

Premium Saandhha Oiil (...

Premium Saandhha Oiil is massage oil for Men, used to improve and enhance erection, help to stimulate libido and increase male vigour.

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REPL COBRA OIL Massage Oil for Men with 100% safe Herbal Preparation blended with essential secret aphrodisiac herbs suitable for treating Penis erection problem.  REPL COBRA OIL is genuine massage oil for Men for Longer, Stronger and Harder Erection.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr . Advice™NO.23...

Rapid atrophy of breasts. women with very large breasts and tumors in the mammary gland with sharp pain through it. Breasts shrivel.


₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Adv. No. 231...

Prolapse is a bulging or falling out of a body part, such as the rectum or vagina, that commonly occurs because of weakened supportive tissue. Some of the symptoms are- Constipation, Obstructed bowel movement, Fecal incontinence. The use of REPL Dr. Advice No. 231 PROLAPSUS-AN is called upon in the early stages of the weakening of tissue walls of rectum. It helps in strengthening the supportive tissues.

DOSE : 5 to 10 Drops with 1/4 cup of  water to be taken orally 3 to 4 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Adv. No. 232...

When your body comes into contact with an allergen. It releases histamine, which is a natural chemical that defends your body from the allergen. This chemical can cause allergic rhinitis and its symptoms include, runny nose, much sneezing, frequent headaches, itchy nose, and nasal congestion, itchy and watery eyes and fatigue.

DOSE : 5 to 10 Drops with 1/4 cup of warm water to be taken orally 3 to 4 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Adv. No. 234...

REPL Dr. Advice No. 234 SCORBUTUS-IN is prescribed in the symptoms associated with presence of inflammation in the body i.e. high ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). When experiencing inflammation patient's Red Blood Cell (RBC) cling together, forming clumps. This clumping affects the rate at which RBCs sink inside a tube where a blood sample is placed. There are multiple causes of a high ESR Test result, due to infections, autoimmune disorders, and chronic inflammatory diseases, advanced age, pregnancy, anaemia, kidney disorder, obesity, throat & chest disease. This medicine promotes immunity and has great Anti-scorbutic properties.

DOSE : 5 to 10 Drops with 1/4 cup of water to be taken orally 3 to 4 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Advice No. 128...

Effective in masturbation, excessively aroused sexual impales & impotency in a young boy. Desire increased but not ability, on adaption condition, penis relaxes, Erotomania.

संकेत: एक युवा लड़के में हस्तमैथुन और अत्यधिक यौन उत्तेजना और नपुंसकता में प्रभावी। इच्छा में वृद्धि हुई है, लेकिन क्षमता नहीं, लिंग शिथिल हो जाता है, इरोटोमैनिया। युवावस्था में, सहवास शक्ति की कमी, हस्तमैथुन संबंधी नपुंसकता, चरम यौन आवेग संबंधी नपुंसकता, हस्तमैथुन करने के लिए एकांत स्थान की खोज जारी रखना और शक्ति की अत्यधिक कमी, वीर्य का पतला होना, ये सभी विचार जिसके कारण एक युवा अपने आप को नियंत्रित करने के लिए असहाय हो जाता है सभी प्रयासों के बावजूद, ऐसी स्थिति में यह दवा रोगी को मानसिक और शारीरिक रूप से ठीक करने में बहुत प्रभावी साबित होती है।

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Advice No. 134...

Sexual debility from nervous prostration, impotency, incontinence of old people, increase desire but decreased ability. Loss of sexual power at any age. 

Doses: 1. Adult: 10-15 drops with ¼ cup water 3 times daily for 3 months or as prescribed by the physician.

नर्वस प्रोस्टेट से यौन दुर्बलता, नपुंसकता, पुराने लोगों की असंयमता, इच्छा में वृद्धि लेकिन क्षमता में कमी। किसी भी उम्र में यौन शक्ति का नुकसान।

खुराक: 1. वयस्क: 10-15 बूँदें: आधा कप पानी के साथ 3 महीने तक रोजाना या चिकित्सक द्वारा निर्धारित अनुसार।

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Advice No. 277...

REPL Dr. Advice® No. 277 PREVENTIVE-10 is prescribed in the symptoms associated with Joint pain and inflammation, stiff soreness on inside of knee, rheumatic pain in ankles, wrist & fingers, arms, pain in acute gout deltoid. The key ingredients present in this preparation influence the metabolism of cartilage in particular and alleviate gouty inflammation of the joint by inhibiting the key enzyme that is involved in excessive uric acid production and Improves blood circulation in joints.

₹170.00 Price

REPL Dr. Advice™ NO. 10...

Indication: Great falling out of hair. Premature Baldness. Hair falls out. Scalp feels tense, gray hair, and Alopecia.

Usage Direction: Add 5 to 10 drops of medicine with little water and have it 3 times a day. For older disease, have it 4 times a day for a very long period. After the patient gets cured also, have it once a day or as instructed by Homeopathic Doctor.